Black Noise
December 5, 2005
by Erik Rush
Due in part to the cyclical nature of news and in part to the news media’s objectives, we’ve been exposed to a great deal lately concerning pre-war intelligence, the border with Mexico, Supreme Court nominees, outed intelligence operatives and secret CIA dungeons. Something that’s still rather fresh in my mind is Hurricane Katrina, and I’ll tell you why: It was a quintessential stratagem, a two-pronged (the media and politicos on the Left) attack reflecting the Left’s agenda with respect to Black Americans (institutional undereducation, propagandization, and the culture of victimhood being among these) and other designs to alienate Blacks from mainstream America and traditional values. The fact that a natural disaster was used to further estrange Blacks from their fellow countrymen and their government was mind-boggling. Had not the Left’s propaganda been so effective over the last few decades, those who suggested that the Bush administration “left Blacks to drown” or even generated the storm itself with clandestine technology would have been laughed off of podiums, cameras, and microphones across America.
Occasionally it escapes the reader’s notice that I am a person of color, specifically Black. With regard to most issues it usually doesn’t matter, but when I speak with authority on race politics and someone makes the assumption that I’m White, of course - they freak.
I grew up in the metropolitan New York area during ‘Sixties, and (as I’ve indicated elsewhere) lived down the street from Betty Shabazz (Malcolm X's widow) and her children, so of course we knew them well. Not to name drop, the point is that I’ve been conscious of race politics for a long time.
In the ‘Sixties, I recall having Black neighbors who, despite the inequities in our society at that time, owned businesses, rental property and portfolios and were retiring with money in the bank. Within a very short span of years, however, their sons and grandsons were dropping out of school, shooting dope and impregnating underage girls. I was witnessing a microcosm of what was happening throughout Black society in America. It made me wonder: Why, after all of the struggles, were Black Americans choosing this juncture to self-destruct en masse, when the greatest strides for equality were just being made?
I could say I’ve no idea how that happened, but here’s exactly how it happened:
Throughout the first half of the 20th century, one political party had a reputation as being possessed of an imperious mien, and this was the Democrat Party. It was also widely known as the party of segregation. When civil rights concerns came to the fore during the latter half of the century, they began to sell themselves as champions of civil rights, despite the fact that Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in higher percentages than Democrats (House: 80% Republicans, 63% Democrats; Senate: 82% Republicans, 69% Democrats).
Riding on the coattails of the affinity Blacks had for Jack and Bobby Kennedy (who were perceived as champions of civil rights), Democrats courted Blacks via corruption of their clergy. Blacks were actually among the most socially conservative groups in America, and their leaders, rather than political icons, had been their clergymen. Thus, the ranks of Black leadership emerged from within this body, which was won over either through altruistic con jobs or the promise of personal aggrandizement. Those who gained fame became embroiled in the political machinery: blinded by greed and self-importance, they were groomed as foremen for the White international socialist overseers in the Democrat Party.
Fast-forward to 2005: Although a minority of the minority have begun to wake up to the fact that they’ve been whored out politically for 40 years (to the teeth-gnashing ire of the overseers), the Left has gotten richer, its machine more efficient, and - much the worse – now has representation among professional Black activists and amoral young Black entrepreneurs who have no problem whatsoever in becoming fabulously wealthy selling Black kids spirit poison and libertine secular-socialism.
In his article “It Takes More Than A Village”, Christopher Schrimpf, a research associate with the black leadership network Project 21, shreds the proposal cited in Hillary Clinton’s book “It Takes a Village”, which perverted that African proverb to assert that community is the most important factor for proper child development. Diminishing the importance of the family is right out of Lenin’s playbook, of course, as are the vast majority of machinations used by the Left over the years with regard to Blacks in America.
It’s been said that if there’s anything the Left hates more than a conservative it’s a conservative of color, and this has been borne out time and again in their racist rhetoric against high-profile (and some not so high-profile) conservatives of color.
It is an imperative that conservatives of color be poised to strike back at left-leaning media outlets and politicians – White or otherwise – hard and fast when they capitalize on the double standard of racist rhetoric being accepted on their part, and when they proffer their divisive, bizarre and unbalanced arguments in the arena of race politics. We must be vigilant, remembering that their propaganda machine is indeed efficient, practiced, and well-entrenched.
As I said in my recent column “Whose Will be Done?”: “We must make war upon the far Left power brokers and their acolytes; the intimidators, the character assassins, the invective – all must be ignored, and failure is not an option.”
And the more people of color we have in our ranks, the better.
Erik Rush
Erik Rush is a black conservative columnist, author and sometime radio host. Visit his website at
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
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